Mission Collection

Many face systemic injustice daily, lacking shelter, food, and dignity. Through the Mission Collection, we can make a real difference. This fund will support initiatives providing shelter, food, and advocacy, offering hope for a better future. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the Mission Collection

Reconciliation and Healing Fund

One hundred percent of contributions to the Reconciliation and Healing Fund will go to local projects as determined through consultation with Mi’kmaw leadership, the Mi’kmaq Pastoral Council, survivors, elders, and other community members. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the Reconciliation and Healing Fund Collection.

Formation Collection

The Formation Collection is essential for nurturing and strengthening the faith and vocations of all in our diocese. Your generous support enables us to provide vital religious education, training, programs, and faith formation events. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to this fund to raise up all people embracing the mission of the Church.

Caring for our Community Collection

Our priests have walked with us, witnessing the Good News of Christ in all of life’s challenges and joys. Together, let's ensure that these faithful servants are cared for with the dignity and respect they deserve. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the Caring for our Community Collection.

The Daily Bread Outreach

The Daily Bread Outreach Program has grown into one of the largest ministries at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica. The mission is to embody the love of God to everyone who walks through our door, an average 120 people are fed four days a week supported by over 90 volunteers. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to this ministry.  

Emergency Shelters Project

The Emergency Shelters Project provides shelter, access to personal care items and necessities, counselling, and help to apply for benefits in 25 Crisis Shelters across the Archdiocese supported by our parishes. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to this important ministry.  

General Fund

Your gift to the General Fund will support the works of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. The four pastoral priorities are: Evangelization, Homelessness, Parish Identity, and Catechesis. As followers of Christ we are called to live the mission that he entrusted to us: Go preach the gospel and make disciples!

Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax

The Catholic cemetery is a sacred place; it is holy ground where our faithful departed await the resurrection to eternal life. This is why the grounds of the cemetery are cared for and made as attractive as possible, maintained in this way as a sign of respect for the dead who rest in peace. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax.

Steubenville Atlantic

Steubenville Atlantic, Canada's first Steubenville Youth Conference, is presented in partnership with the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth and the Franciscan University of Steubenville. The event is held annually in Halifax, Nova Scotia attracting over 400+ youth from across the province and beyond.  Please prayerfully consider a contribution to Steubenville Atlantic.  

Holy Cross Chaplaincy

Holy Cross Chaplaincy is dedicated to helping students navigate their lives on campus. A place where people can gather to freely discern their call to holiness and mission, we support our students spiritually, socially and sacramentally.

Marriage Tribunal

The Marriage Tribunal provides a pastoral service to those who have been previously married and are seeking a Declaration of Nullity, that is, an annulment of a previous marriage. There is no fee for this service, but donations are accepted. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the Marriage Tribunal Ministry.  

Hospital Chaplaincy

The Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth provides Hospital Chaplaincy services at the QEII and the Veterans Memorial Hospital. Priests, chaplains and qualified lay chaplains are often called to provide a compassionate presence. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to Hospital Chaplaincy.